Register NOW: Fit, Sew & Design with Knits - Mar 21,22,28,29

Perfect Fuse - Tailor

60″-wide rayon/polyester fusible weft interfacing

PerfectFuse TailorUltra  is great for jackets and faced waistbands where a little more body is needed.

  • The resin system is unique in the world. You’ll never see it on the right side of the fabric and it won’t be stiff or boardy, making it ideal even on very fine woolens.
  • It’s 60 inches wide, enough to fuse the full front on two jackets in most sizes
  • Crosswise stretch is compatible with stretch wovens.
  • Preshrink if you’re planning to wash the garment. If dry cleaning, preshrinking is not necessary.
  • Fuse for 14-16 seconds in each spot.

1 yard package

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